So far, I am doing great in this new adventure. If my "landlord" will PLEASE hurry up with his wi-fi boosters, I'll be a much happier camper. The cable TV works fine, but not on my HDTV? Would you believe that even with a 20+ year career in IT I am home electronics challenged? Right now I am depending on the built-in sets - and they aren't bad - just reminds me of being in a B&B in England!!
I can't seem to hook up the water input hose without a leak - so one of the park guys is supposed to try and fix that up for me today. As it is, I hook it up every couple of days and put some water in the fresh water tank. I am also learning how to be very conservative in LP Gas usage - after only 5 days my tank was down to half full. That's when I decided on electric space heaters. The prospect of unhooking and stowing everything in order to drive somewhere does not appeal to me right now!!
I visited the Sand Springs Methodist Church yesterday - their traditional service was very nice. I prefer the contemporary style of worship - so I'll try that service next week - although it is early at 8:30am!
It's cozy, but cute in my "home on wheels"!! Sophie is here sitting on my table/desk and making sure I don't leave her out of the picture!
This week - lots to do. I must finish cleaning out my closets at the house - which is officially SOLD! Closing is on December 30. There are still clothes to go to Goodwill. It's also DAR meeting week. I volunteered to be the newsletter editor and I've been very busy trying to get a draft together for review. I think I'm ready. I'm sure next time will be easier.
The Gators won't be the National Champs this year - that made for a sad Saturday - I am over it now and ready for the 'Horns to be the Champs this year. Tim Tebow is still the greatest - and the whole Gator team has had a great ride and should be very proud of their accomplishments. They had way too many expectations to carry on their shoulders this year. Everyone - give them a break - they are awesome.
I am sick of hearing about Tiger Woods - and I hope his wife did kick his butt. (No, I don't condone domestic violence - but I've always admired Lionel Richie's wife and her baseball bat - LOL).