Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Looks like Thanksgiving is at my house. So what if we don't have any dining tables anymore? Family is important, and my daughter-in-law comes from the big Italian family tradition. I personally love that tradition. The more the merrier, right?

I made progress on my closet today. Since space is a premium in RV life, I am using one of my big old suitcases to store out-of-season clothes. I was able to get pretty much all my summer stuff in one suitcase - hooray.

Anytime a new or different surface of any kind lands in my room, my cat Sienna feels very obligated to sit on it, and groom herself on it, and cover it with red cat hair so it will be MORE special.

Well, I'm keeping this one short. So many boxes to sort and repack, so little time -ha!!

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